

信息通信技术与政策 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 9-16.doi: 10.12267/j.issn.2096-5931.2024.08.002

专题:网络安全 上一篇    下一篇


Development and suggestions for manufacturing cybersecurity under the background of digital transformation

耿进步, 贺磊, 牛玉坤   

  1. 紫金山实验室,南京 211111
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-01 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-09-29
  • 通讯作者: 贺磊, 紫金山实验室副研究员、博士,国家科技进步奖创新团队骨干成员,曾获多项省级科技进步一、二等奖,主要研究方向为网络空间安全
  • 作者简介:
    耿进步, 紫金山实验室研究员、博士后,主要研究方向为网络空间安全、信息安全与内生安全等
    牛玉坤, 紫金山实验室研究员、博士后,主要研究方向为网络空间安全、信息安全与内生安全等
  • 基金资助:

GENG Jinbu, HE Lei, NIU Yukun   

  1. Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing 211111, China
  • Received:2024-07-01 Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-29



关键词: 数字化转型, 网络安全威胁, 制造侧网络安全, 内生安全, 拟态构造


Against the backdrop of digital transformation, cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly serious, and the potential threats of systemic cyber risks are constantly increasing. However, current digital product designers and manufacturers often fail to fully recognize the importance of cybersecurity, leading to significant flaws in the quality management of cybersecurity during the manufacturing process. To tackle this challenge, the United States and Europe have emphasized the role of government intervention when market mechanisms are ineffective, swiftly enacting a series of policies and regulations to enhance the security quality management of digital products in the production phase. Therefore, China must adhere to independent innovation, leverage its first mover advantage in endogenous security theory and mimetic construction technology in the manufacturing industry, and propose a solution that balances cybersecurity responsibilities and risks to avoid falling behind.

Key words: digital transformation, cybersecurity threats, manufacturing-side cybersecurity, endogenous security, mimetic construction
