

信息通信技术与政策 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 51-55.



Enterprise open permissioned blockchain


  1. Based on the research on the history and current status of enterprise open permissioned blockchain, we point
    out that the absence of governance and incentive mechanism is the main obstacle of massive adoption of enterprise open
    permissioned blockchain. We also point that developer team and miners are not independent players in an enterprise
    open permissioned blockchain game. Enterprise open permissioned blockchain joints different business entities into a
    new decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). For these kinds of DAOs, the most suitable governance mechanism
    should be an on- chain board of directors and a board of shareholders. Meanwhile, the system should give the ledger
    keepers incentive to work hard and honest. The incentive currency should be a price pre-defined convertible on-chain
    utility token.
  • 出版日期:2019-01-15 发布日期:2020-12-04
  • 作者简介:

  • Online:2019-01-15 Published:2020-12-04

摘要: 通过研究企业区块链的起源和现状,指出缺乏治理机制和激励机制是企业区块链项目当前无法大范围实现应用的主要原因。接着通过分析企业区块链和公有链的博弈参与方区别,指出企业区块链平台中不存在独立的“开发者”和“矿工”作为利益博弈方,所以整个治理与激励机制应该与公链有较大区别。企业区块链将不同的企业法人通过区块链和智能合约关联起来,打造了一个独立于原各企业的去中心化自治组织(DAO)。对于这样的新组织,最合适的治理机制将是类比董事会和股东会的链上治理方案。同时,系统应该对愿意提供基础设施服务的记账节点进行经济补偿。经济补偿的计价单位也不应该是公有链中的无锚货币,而应该是有预定价格的可兑换积分。

关键词: 企业区块链, 治理机制, 激励机制, 分布式自治组织

Abstract: Based on the research on the history and current status of enterprise open permissioned blockchain, we point out that the absence of governance and incentive mechanism is the main obstacle of massive adoption of enterprise open permissioned blockchain. We also point that developer team and miners are not independent players in an enterprise open permissioned blockchain game. Enterprise open permissioned blockchain joints different business entities into a new decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). For these kinds of DAOs, the most suitable governance mechanism should be an on- chain board of directors and a board of shareholders. Meanwhile, the system should give the ledger keepers incentive to work hard and honest. The incentive currency should be a price pre-defined convertible on-chain utility token.

Key words: enterprise open permissioned blockchain, governance mechanism, incentive mechanism, DAO