Information and Communications Technology and Policy

Information and Communications Technology and Policy

Information and Communications Technology and Policy ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 9-15.doi: 10.12267/j.issn.2096-5931.2023.04.002

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Analysis of research hotspots and development trend of China’s data factor

SUN Zhennan, WEI Li, WANG Jianchen   

  1. School of Marxism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
  • Received:2023-03-13 Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-04-26


With the rapid development of digital economy, the problem of data factor has gradually become a hot issue in domestic academic research. Based on the keyword analysis of Cite_Space, it can be seen that up to now, domestic academia has basically completed the research on the concept and characteristics of data factor as well as the connotation of its production factors. Research on the development and governance of data factor has gradually become the current hotspot and focus. In the future, the realistic investigation of data factor should be further deepened, the academic research community should be built, and the scientific and comprehensive research in this field should be promoted.

Key words: data factor, research hotspot, Cite_Space

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